at the time of writing I prefer tap-min

  • summary for passed tests
  • detailed failed test assertions
  • console log statements still make it to the output to help identify the issue

lets take a look at possible alternatives and a quick comparison

test code

const test = require('tape')

test('is okay', t => {
  console.log('log: this test will be okay')
  t.ok('is okay')

test('is okay', t => {
  console.log('log: this test will fail')
  t.notOk('is not okay')

tape reporter

TAP version 13
# is okay
log: this test will be okay
ok 1 should be truthy
# is okay
log: this test will fail
not ok 2 should be falsy
    operator: notOk
    expected: false
    actual:   'is not okay'
    at: Test.t (/Users/uldis/git/playgrounds/tape-reporters/test.js:12:5)

# tests 2
# pass  1
# fail  1

faucet reporter

  • compacts successful scenarious and comes with colors
  • hides console log statements
✓ is okay
⨯ is okay
  not ok 2 should be falsy
      operator: notOk
      expected: false
      actual:   'is not okay'
      at: Test.t (/Users/uldis/git/playgrounds/tape-reporters/test.js:12:5)

# tests 2
# pass  1
⨯ fail  1

tap-spec reporter

  • mocha like output
  • summary contains failed tests
  is okay

    log: this test will be okay
    ✔ should be truthy

  is okay

    log: this test will fail

    ✖ should be falsy
      operator: notOk
      expected: false
      actual:   'is not okay'
      at: Test.t (/Users/uldis/git/playgrounds/tape-reporters/test.js:12:5)

  Failed Tests: There was 1 failure

    is okay

      ✖ should be falsy

  total:     2
  passing:   1
  failing:   1
  duration:  22ms

tap-dot reporter

  • very compact
  • hides console log statements

    operator: notOk
    expected: false
    actual:   'is not okay'
    at: Test.t (/Users/uldis/git/playgrounds/tape-reporters/test.js:12:5)

  2 tests
  1 passed
  1 failed

  Failed Tests:   There was 1 failure

    x should be falsy

tap-min reporter

  • minimalistic output
  • returns full details for failed tests
TAP version 13
# is okay
log: this test will be okay
ok 1 should be truthy
# is okay
log: this test will fail
not ok 2 should be falsy
    operator: notOk
    expected: false
    actual:   'is not okay'
    at: Test.t (/Users/uldis/git/playgrounds/tape-reporters/test.js:12:5)

tap-bail reporter

  • stops after first failed test
TAP version 13
# is okay
log: this test will be okay
ok 1 should be truthy
# is okay
log: this test will fail
not ok 2 should be falsy

tap-pessimist reporter

  • super minimalist output of just the failed test names
2 - should be falsy